The Special Council Meeting on September 18, 2024 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 5:00PM by Mayor Jurgensen. Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Amber Kelly, Mary Pemberton, and Bradley Stewart. Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting was City Clerk Sally Johnson.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 4-0 to enter in to executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel matters exception, KSA 4319(b)(1), in order to review applicants for non-elected personnel position, the open meeting to resume at 5:20PM
Meeting resumed at 5:20PM.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to hire Angela Hixon as City Clerk, start date of October 7, 2024
Moved by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 5:25PM
The Regular Council Meeting on September 10, 2024 at Uniontown Community Center was called to order at 5:30PM by Mayor Jurgensen. Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Amber Kelly (8:25), Mary Pemberton, and Bradley Stewart. Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were City Treasurer Charlene Bolinger, Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan, City Superintendent Bobby Rich, and City Clerk Sally Johnson.
Interview non-elected personnel –
Motion by Ervin, Second by Stewart, Approved 4-0, to enter into executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel exception, KSA 75-4319(b)(1), in order to interview applicants of non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at 7:00.
Open meeting resumed at 7:00.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 4-0 to extend executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel exception, KSA 75-4319(b)(1), in order to interview applicants of non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at 7:20.

Open meeting resumed at 7:20.
Treasurer Bolinger presented the August 2024 Treasurer’s Report. Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $300,920.74, Receipts $40,904.00, Transfers Out $12,776.00, Expenditures $35,763.99, Checking Account Closing Balance $293,284.75. Bank Statement Balance $293,467.13, including Checking Account Interest of $62.89, Outstanding Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $182.38, Reconciled Balance $293,284.75. Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $37,595.12, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $21,491.62, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $39,396.79, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $391,768.28. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $467.79, and Utility CDs $1,384.69 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $1,852.48. Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of August 2024, Beginning Balance $0, Receipts $0, Expenditures $0, Ending Balance $0. August Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00, to Capital Improvement-Streets $250.00; from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,624.00, to Capital Improvement-Streets $750.00; from Gas Utility Fund to Capital Improvement-Streets $6,250.00; from General Fund to Capital Improvement-Streets $2,500.00 for Total Transfers of $12,776.00. Net Loss for the month of August $7,635.99, Year-to-Date Net Income $57,8058.55. Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $75,850.49 (61.5%), Expenditures $81,944.78 (50.4%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $23,311.82 (63.1%), Expenditures $20,417.78 (48.5%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $92,758.76 (63.3%), Expenditures $74,512.96 (42.0%); General Fund YTD Revenue $151,872.36 (77.6%), Expenditures $127,948.07 (41.3%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $6,120.92 (84.3%), Expenditures $5,668.41 (56.0%). The September 2024 payables to date in the amount of $31,728.14 were presented. The invoices from Homestead Tech, KMGA, Rogers and Sons Concrete, Johnson-Schowengerdt, and Ag Engineering have not been received by noon meeting day.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 4-0, to approve Consent Agenda:
Minutes of August 13, 2024 Regular Council Meeting and September 4, 2024 Special Meeting
Treasurer’s Reports, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables
Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan reported that 405 Hill St had complied and 504 Sherman St’s chickens are still getting out. They were seen in neighbor’s yard before meeting and pictures were taken for the file. Superintendent Rich received a report that grass/weeds at the culverts were not being trimmed at 303 2nd St. Coyan will followup.
City Superintendent Rich requested to attend the Pipeline Safety Seminar in Manhattan, October 29-30.
Motion by Esslinger, Second by Pemberton, Approved 4-0 to allow Bobby Rich to attend the Pipeline Safety Seminar in Manhattan, October 29-30.
He also reported that the public water supply inspection by KDHE has been completed. It is recommended to have the water tank inspected again, since it has been more than five years since last inspection.
Motion by Stewart, Second by Esslinger, Approved 4-0 to have Bobby Rich schedule an inspection of the water tank
Clerk Johnson reported that a major gas leak was found in a home. Gas has been shut off and plumber contacted by property owner to repair
Johnson asked if council wanted to have the auditor present the 2023 audit or accept as presented on paper.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 4-0 to accept the 2023 audit as presented on paper
Johnson also informed the council that cost of internet service for the SCADA will be going up $20/month and City Hall will be going up $10/month on October 1 billing. One-call tickets will also be going up $0.13 per ticket effective January 1. She informed that KSGFOA fall conference is in November and KMU is hosting a City Clerk & Finance Professional Management Academy one day a month for five months beginning October 16. These could be beneficial training opportunities for her replacement.
A request for records was received pertaining to Winter Storm Uri, she will respond as requested.
A FEMA Exploratory Conference Call is scheduled for September 12, 1PM regarding damages from flooding for disaster DR 4800.
Councilman Ervin – Thanked Sally, Bobby, Colby, and Old Settlers Committee for all their work for Old Settlers Picnic. The new city limit signs look nice.
Councilwoman Esslinger – Send a Thank You to Old Settlers Committee.
Councilwoman Kelly – absent
Councilwoman Pemberton – nothing
Councilman Stewart – nothing
Mayor Jurgensen – Received complaints about fishing derby being unorganized and car show impeding parade route during Old Settlers Picnic.
Pickleball Court Placemaking Project – a Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting was held September 1. A press release was sent to The Fort Scott Tribune, Fort Scott Biz, and Healthy Bourbon County Action Team.
Streets – Superintendent Rich and Clerk Johnson met with Bill Delich, Bettis Asphalt on September 4 to go over areas requiring warranty work. The City will need to prep the area on South Washington that needs extended. Rich reports that the tractor is not the correct equipment to dig it out and pack AB3, he will contact a contractor to complete the prep work. The cracks will be filled with a rubberized liquid material. Delich recommend using a cold pour crack sealer to seal cracks in the future.
Sale of property – Mayor Jurgensen was approached about selling a portion of city property. City attorney recommended publishing the intent to sell.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 4-0 to publish intent to sell city property after a public comment period that will end October 8, 2024
Clerk Johnson will consult with attorney on wording for the intent and publish.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Stewart, Approved 4-0 to enter into executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel exception, KSA 75-4319(b)(1), in order to discuss applicants of non-elected personnel position, the open meeting to resume at 9:00
Open meeting resumed at 9:00.
Moved by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 9:01PM
The Special Council Meeting on September 4, 2024 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 5:32PM by Mayor Jurgensen. Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger (5:48), Amber Kelly, Mary Pemberton, and Bradley Stewart. Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting was City Clerk Sally Johnson.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Stewart, Approved 4-0 to enter in to executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel matters exception, KSA 4319(b)(1), in order to review applications of non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at 6:00PM
Motion by Ervin, Second by Pemberton, Approved 5-0 to extend executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel matters exception, KSA 4319(b)(1), in order to discuss duties and benefits of non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at 6:26PM
Meeting resumed at 6:26PM. Delaying start of next regular meeting was discussed in order to conduct interviews prior to meeting.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to change start time for September 10, 2024 Regular Council Meeting to 5:30PM in order to conduct non-personnel interviews immediately followed by regular meeting
Moved by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 6:42PM
The 2024 Amended Budget Hearing on August 13 at Uniontown Community Center was called to order at 6: 31PM by President of the Council Ervin (Mayor Jurgensen arrived at 6:34) followed by 2025 Budget Hearing at 6:45PM immediately followed by Regular Council Meeting. Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger (7:01), Amber Kelly, Mary Pemberton, and Bradley Stewart. Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Lyle and Jason Robinson (Robinson Welding & Fabrication), Raymond “Skeet” George, City Treasurer Charlene Bolinger, Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan, City Superintendent Bobby Rich, and City Clerk Sally Johnson.
2024 Budget Amendment Hearing – no citizens in attendance.
Motion by Kelly, Second by Stewart, Approved 4-0 to adopt 2024 Amended Budget as presented
2024 Budget Amendment Hearing closed at 6:38
Two executive sessions were added to the agenda under New Business. One for financial data of second party and one for non-elected personnel.
2025 Budget Hearing – opened at 6:45 by Mayor Jurgensen, no citizens in attendance.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 4-0 to adopt the 2025 Budget as presented
2025 Budget Hearing closed.
Bid opening for repairs and improvements to building located at 201 Sherman St. – Two sealed bids received by deadline. Robinson Welding & Fabrication only bid option B and H & S Roofing bid both options. See bid tabulation attached.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Pemberton, Approved 4-0 to award to Robinson Welding & Fabrication for total amount of $38,966.78, 20% to be paid on contract signing
Color of siding/trim is to be same as Community Center.

Raymond “Skeet” George – fence for pickleball court. He wants permission to place pipe holders at corners of concrete to put up temporary barriers/fence when he plays to stop balls from leaving court area. Permission was granted. Council also thanked him for the three benches at the court.
Treasurer Bolinger presented the July 2024 Treasurer’s Report. Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $292,151.05, Receipts $34,350.03, Transfers Out $3,026.00, Expenditures $22,554.34, Checking Account Closing Balance $300,920.74. Bank Statement Balance $301,306.40, including Checking Account Interest of $62.81, Outstanding Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $385.66, Reconciled Balance $300,920.74. Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $37,407.04, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $21,376.69, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $39,198.64, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $398,903.11. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $404.90, and Utility CDs $883.53 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $1,288.43. Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of July 2024, Beginning Balance $0, Receipts $0, Expenditures $0, Ending Balance $0. July Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00; from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,624.00 for Total Transfers of $3,026.00. Net Income for the month of July $8,769.69, Year-to-Date Net Income $65,441.54. Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $65,266.02 (52.9%), Expenditures $72,147.28 (44.4%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $20,416.88 (55.2%), Expenditures $18,763.78 (44.6%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $89,390.97 (61.0%), Expenditures $64,437.04 (36.3%); General Fund YTD Revenue $140,190.40 (85.5%), Expenditures $114,397.26 (56.5%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $6,120.92 (84.3%), Expenditures $0 (0%). The August 2024 payables to date in the amount of $23,892.22 were presented. The invoices from Homestead Tech and Ag Engineering have not been received by noon meeting day.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0, to approve Consent Agenda:
Minutes of July 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting and July 16, 2024 Budget Worksession
Treasurer’s Reports, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables
Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan reported that 201 Fulton St has trimmed ditches, 101 Washington St removed junk car and cleaned up yard, vacant house north of 115 S Washington has roof falling in and big brush pile (send letter), 504 Sherman St has nuisance chickens and ducks (send letter to keep contained in yard), 306 Sherman St/402 Sherman St has weeds in ditches and on dirt pile (will talk to), a letter to 405 Hill St for overgrown weeds, dilapidated pool that needs removed, and house needs roof was presented. It was also discussed that sewer service line and gas service line need replaced before habitation.
Motion by Esslinger, Second by Kelly, approved 5-0 to amend letter to 405 Hill St to include sewer line and gas line, if going to want to connect to gas service, before sending
Mayor Jurgensen commended City Superintendent Rich for all the extra work completed last month. Rich reported his helper is doing OK and seems to be a good worker. Councilwoman Kelly asked how often he is fogging for mosquitos – bi-weekly.
Clerk Johnson gave an update on the new software conversion. She presented information about Fort Scott Area Community Foundation grant cycle. Possible projects were discussed.
Councilman Ervin – asphalt on north side of 3rd Street between Fulton St and Hill St is cracking. Clerk will notify Bettis Asphalt of all areas that need addressed before warranty ends.
Councilwoman Esslinger – nothing
Councilwoman Kelly – stop sign by pond needs replaced. Asked to use the big rocks on right-of-way for flower bed border. City limit signs were also discussed and need replaced.
Councilwoman Pemberton – nothing
Councilman Stewart – nothing
Mayor Jurgensen – nothing
Pickleball Court Placemaking Project – discussed adding a fence on the north end of concrete to keep balls from going into street. Grand Opening of the court will be during Old Settlers Picnic. A storage bin was donated for equipment. Clerk Johnson will design and print flyers for the grand opening; post and mail with August billings
Streets – Mayor Jurgensen and Clerk Johnson attended a FEMA/KDEM meeting at the courthouse. At that meeting, the notice of request for public assistance was submitted to FEMA through the online portal. We should qualify for some mitigation help for ditches and culverts and get some reimbursement for lagoon fence repair and riprap replacement on main drainage ditch.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to enter into executive session pursuant to data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets exception, KSA 75-4319(b)(4), in order to discuss financial affairs of a second party, the open meeting to resume at 8:10PM
Clerk Johnson was invited into session. Open meeting resumed at 8:10PM.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to enter into executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel exception, KSA 75-4319(b)(1), in order to discuss non-elected personnel applications and benefits, the open meeting to resume at 8:35PM
Clerk Johnson called in at 8:30PM. Open meeting resumed at 8:35PM. Clerk Johnson was instructed to advertise ASAP for City Clerk/Municipal Court Clerk, applications to be taken until 5PM, September 4.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to schedule a special meeting on September 4, 5:30PM for the purpose of entering into executive session to review non-elected personnel applications; schedule date/time for applicant interviews
Moved by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 8:46PM
The Budget Worksession on July 16, 2024 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 5:30PM by Mayor Jurgensen. Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger (5:42), Amber Kelly, Mary Pemberton, and Bradley Stewart. Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting was City Treasurer Charlene Bolinger and City Clerk Sally Johnson.
Clerk Johnson explained why she thought the 2024 budget needs amended and presented her suggestions for amending the general fund and the special highway fund. Council agreed with suggestions and suggested date for hearing is August 13, 2024, 6:30PM.
Clerk Johnson and Treasurer Bolinger presented proposed budget before and after amending 2024 budget. Council only looked at the after amend proposal. Several line items were tweaked and Council agreed to not exceed the revenue neutral rate. Treasurer Bolinger made changes to proposed budget as proposals were made. The suggested date for budget hearing is August 13, 2024, 6:45PM.
Clerk Johnson will email County Clerk of intent to not exceed revenue neutral rate tonight. She will also have hearing notices published no later than July 31.
Worksession adjourned at 7:40PM.
The Regular Council Meeting on July 9, 2024 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 7:00PM by Mayor Jurgensen. Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger (7:01), Amber Kelly, Mary Pemberton, and Bradley Stewart. Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Mary Pillion (Old Settlers Committee), City Treasurer Charlene Bolinger, Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan, and City Clerk Sally Johnson.
Mary Pillion, Old Settlers Committee – requested to have a street dance again this year on Friday or Saturday and would like to block off Sherman St between 2nd and 3rd Sts.
Motion by Kelly, Second by Ervin, Approved 5-0 to allow the street dance on either Friday, August 30, or Saturday, August 31, and to block off Sherman St between 2nd and 3rd Sts
A sponsorship form for Old Settlers Picnic was presented. City provides a trash dumpster and staff to keep public restrooms clean and stocked.
Dave Wehry via email – requested to pay his bill in two payments without a penalty assessed as meter was misread by the City in May causing his bill to be very high this month.
Motion by Pemberton, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0 to allow two payments and waive penalty since we misread in May
Treasurer Bolinger presented the June 2024 Treasurer’s Report. Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $262,758.51, Receipts $57,246.25, Transfers Out $3.026.00, Expenditures $24.827.71, Checking Account Closing Balance $292.151.05. Bank Statement Balance $298.333.35, including Checking Account Interest of $58.67, Outstanding Deposits $117.01, Outstanding Checks $6,299.31, Reconciled Balance $292,151.05. Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $37,407.04, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $21,376.69, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $39,198.64, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $390,133.42. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $342.09, and Utility CDs $883.53 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $1,225.62. Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of June 2024, Beginning Balance $0, Receipts $0, Expenditures $0, Ending Balance $0. June Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00; from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,624.00 for Total Transfers of $3,026.00. Net Income for the month of June $29,392.54, Year-to-Date Net Income $56,671.85. Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $53,724.09 (43.5%), Expenditures $63,992.22 (39.4%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $17,218.50 (46.6%), Expenditures $16,739.80 (39.8%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $82,090.53 (56.0%), Expenditures $58,322.40 (32.9%); General Fund YTD Revenue $131,202.05 (80.0%), Expenditures $105,806.96 (52.3%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $3,966.38 (54.6%), Expenditures $0 (0%). The July 2024 payables to date in the amount of $13,741.22 were presented. The invoices from KMGA, Homestead Tech, Phillips 66, and Ag Engineering have not been received by noon meeting day.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0, to approve amended Consent Agenda:
Minutes of June 14, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
Treasurer’s Reports, Monthly Transaction Report & Accounts Payables
Request to schedule a budget worksession. Assessed valuation is down approximately $929,000. Revenue Neutral Rate for this budget is 63.882. We must notify County Clerk by July 20 if plan to exceed revenue neutral rate.
Motion by Stewart, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0 to schedule a budget worksession on July 16, 5:30PM, dinner will be provided
Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan invited owners of 101 Washington to attend regarding yard and inoperable vehicle. They did not attend; a letter will be sent. Commended property owners for keeping yards mowed – 102 Franklin, 505 Washington. 201 Fulton has sold and new owner is cleaning up property. 303 Clay has sold. 204 2nd St has new tenant that is sheriff’s deputy. 405 Hill St – they are not getting the mobile home approved by the council. They are looking for another mobile home but will more than likely sell property as is. There are some properties that ditches are not being mowed or trimming done. Behind the buses needs trimmed badly. 505 Wall still has an unregistered vehicle on premises.
City Superintendent Rich absent. He is still waiting on quotes for gas valve replacements.
Clerk Johnson asked all to sign a thank you note to Union State Bank for the exceptional Independence Day Bash. Colby did an awesome job of keeping restrooms clean and stocked.
She also reminded council that City Clerk replacement will need to attend educational trainings as soon as possible. A couple of applications have been received. Council will keep them on file and continue accepting applications at this time.
Information was received from Repurposed Materials Inc.
She followed up with Brian Allen, BBCOEM, regarding the April flooding. It may be months before FEMA makes a determination.
Received Approved Pending Adoption Kansas Homeland Security Region H Hazard Mitigation Plan and request for adoption resolution.
Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0 to approve Resolution 2024-0709-1 adopting the Kansas Homeland Security Region H Hazard Mitigation Plan
Councilman Ervin – nothing
Councilwoman Esslinger – nothing
Councilwoman Kelly – nothing
Councilwoman Pemberton – nothing
Councilman Stewart – asked about fencing that was washed out in April flooding at lagoon. Superintendent Rich has cleaned up debris and repaired the fence. After pictures have not been taken yet.
Mayor Jurgensen – nothing
Pickleball Court Placemaking Project – Chalk lines were done then it rained. They will try to get chalked and completed by August meeting.
Warehouse project – Mayor Jurgensen is hopeful to mail out invitation for bids by end of week. Would like for them to be opened at August 13 meeting and completed by December 15, 2024.
Streets - It was requested Superintendent Rich order saturock and patch potholes before school starts.
Mayor Jurgensen is working on mitigation funding for culverts and ditches.
Moved by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 7:58PM