Est. 1858

Ph: 620-756-4742
Fax: 620-756-4681
P.O. BOX 51
City of Uniontown ® 206 Sherman Street ~ PO Box 51 ~ Uniontown, KS 66779 ~ Ph: 620-756-4742 ~ Fax: 620-756-4681

Danea Esslinger is the new City Clerk.  She started on December 9, 2024 and is diligently learning her new role.  Please be patient with us as we navigate the learning process.

WE HAVE NEW UTILITY BILLING SOFTWARE!  March 26, 2025 billings will be generated by the new software.  Billings will now be on a full sheet of paper, not a postcard.

Rabies Clinic conducted by Dr Lora Holeman will be March 29, 1:30-3PM in the maintenance shop in back of city building.  Get your pets vaccinated and registered at the same time.

Per council decision, the pre-shutoff delinquent notices on pink paper will no longer be distributed. If your utility bill is not paid in full by 3PM on the 25th, it will be shut off without additional notice. If you are unable to pay your billing in full by 3PM on the 25th, you should call City Hall to schedule an utility hearing.

Spring is finally here and it's mowing season.  Get those mowers and weedeaters tuned up and ready for the season.

City of Uniontown DOES REQUIRE building permits for any structural changes to a property.  Structural changes include, but are not limited to, adding a concrete patio or porch, connecting an addition to the original structure, converting a garage to living space, adding a garage, etc.  We also require permits for any type of fence, temporary or permanent, and accessory buildings, whether on a foundation, slab, or skids, including carports.

The City is partnering with FEMA to repair the damages from the flooding in late April. The areas we are looking at for repairs /mitigation are the main drainage ditch across the railroad  right-of -way, ditches and culverts on 2nd St and Clay St. This may include some digging out of ditches and larger culverts installed.  

Annual registration period for all dogs and cats in city limits is January 1 through March 31.  Registration fee is $5 if spayed/neutered, $7 if intact.  Documentation of current rabies vaccination is required at the time of registration.  

What are your thoughts on anything going on in the city?  Contact City Hall or your governing body to voice your opinion, or better yet, attend council meeting to let us know what your think!
Contact Us
Website Updated 3/21/2025
City Hall Hours
Monday thru Thursday - 7:30AM-Noon, 1:00PM-5:30PM
Friday - 8:00AM-Noon

Utility payments are due on the 10th of the month.  Payments may be made in person, by mail, by bank draft (ask City Clerk how to sign up), at Union State Bank, or online at, pay location code a001te.

If you are unable to pay your utilities by the 25th of the month, you must make an appointment for a utility hearing to keep your utilities from being shut off.  Utility Hearings are the last Wednesday of the month.
To report dogs at large, call Animal Control Officer Binford, 620-215-3221, or City Hall, 620-756-4742.
Community Center is available to rent for events.  There is a $20 deposit and a $20 rental fee.  Contact City Hall to reserve your event.